“Patience and fortitude conquer all things.”
–  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Domestic tension and division. Global unrest. A general sense of disquiet. Sky-rocketing gas prices. War (the word feels insane and terrible to even have to write).

As most of our nation steps into post-Covid era by opening back up and dropping mandates and passports, we all face the after effects — both social and economic. As well as new yet hauntingly familiar problems looming on the horizon.

Aside from the immediacy of risk, this combination of issues stands to impact businesses in other ways.

The possibility of materials delays and logistical challenges may become a new reality for many. While employee shortages that are being felt across virtually all industries and sectors already are.

But this message is not one of pessimism. 

Because the truth is we as humans and as a society have already faced these things and worse before. And we’re still standing. Still moving forward. Still going strong.

As the uncertain future unfolds itself before us, we all need to remember that everyone is in this too.

2022 will be the year of patience. With the various challenges. With each other. With businesses. With everyone.  Compassion and empathy are resources that we all have to deploy in order to make life and work easier on ourselves and each other.

That said, “being kind” isn’t enough.

We should also be prepared.

As they say. PPPP (planing prevents poor performance).



  • Forecasting potential delays in order to ensure that materials arrive on time. We’ve always been excellent at project planning, and we’re doubling down in this area.
  • Attracting and retaining (aka, earning) the highest calibre of employees noted for professionalism, attitude and experience.
  • Use technology, insight and informed intuition to remain agile and adaptive to changing situations. This approach also us to invest, predict and plan ahead when it comes to project management and execution.
  • Maintenance services. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”
  • Continue to exemplify great service. This means communication, transparency, dedication and walking the talk. It also means being patient and looking our for those we work for and with. Our watch-words are “Building Success Through Service” — our success, and yours.

Whatever the future brings, lets face it together.

We’re all stronger that way.