About michael

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So far michael has created 30 blog entries.

They’re judging you (and that’s ok)

Let’s face it. As much as we’re told not to judge a book by its cover, we all do. Right or wrong, this is true for people and for businesses. First impressions shape customer perception and impact loyalty. Not exactly [...]

2023-08-14T15:02:30-07:00August 14, 2023|News|

Is Killing Pests Killing Your Budget?

Your business is booming. You’ve spent years focused on building it’s success. As a result customers will forgive many mistakes and overlook off-days. But if they see a rat scurrying across your floors, you’ve lost them for life. Aside from [...]

2023-08-14T15:04:21-07:00June 19, 2023|News|

AI and the Future of Facilities

AI has been the hot-topic for the past year, and with good reason. Open Linked In or Twitter and you’ll find thousands of incredible use cases, from designers creating entire websites and apps using only AI, to the way its [...]

2023-08-14T15:04:37-07:00May 15, 2023|News|

Communication in Construction Project Management

When it comes to construction project management, communication is key. Without effective communication between the different parties involved in the project—including builders, subcontractors, architects, engineers, suppliers, and clients—projects can easily become derailed. We’ve distilled 15 years of successfully building a [...]

2023-08-14T15:04:47-07:00April 11, 2023|News|

Future forward, today.

They say change is the only constant. We agree. The last few years have shown that the future is never certain. The best antidote to uncertainty is preparation. Technology and systems are at the forefront of any discussion about change [...]

2023-01-09T20:36:52-08:00January 9, 2023|News|
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