Service at Scale: Commercial Renovations in Multiple Regions
Steady business growth is always the goal. But “bigger” is never “easier”. As your company grows the challenges grow with it. Concerns that were tough when you had only a couple of stores to deal with can become daunting when [...]
4 High Impact Lessons We’ve Learned After 15 Years in Business
This October marks our 15th year in business. Time has flown by and it’s hard to believe it’s been this long. We’re grateful to everyone who has been part of the journey. Time has brought lessons, too. Some easy. Others [...]
9 golden rules to bulletproof your communication
It’s not a revelation to say that great business starts with great communication. We all know this. The problem is, we all think we’re fantastic at it even when evidence in the form of misunderstandings and errors so obviously proves [...]
The Bottom Line of Aesthetics
Don't judge a book by its cover, or so they say. But that's exactly what today's customers, partners, vendors and shoppers are doing before deciding to enter any location or store. This has been well-understood in retail for years — [...]
Build for tomorrow, not today
"No one can predict the future. But we can all be prepared for it..." Times have sure changed, haven't they? The Covid pandemic is over, but the economic fallout is just getting started. Global supply chain issues. Inflation. Manufacturing delays. [...]
Thinking Locally, Working Nationally
"You have to maintain a culture of transformation and also stay true to your values." Back in 2007, Dogwood was a small contractor operating from our founders home in BC. Today, we’re a national service provider operating Canada-wide, coast to [...]
What do you stand for?
“Tell me what you pay attention to and I will tell you who you are.” ― José Ortega y Gasset Take a look at this list of corporate values: Communication. Respect. Integrity. Excellence. They sound pretty good, don’t they? Maybe they [...]
2022 – The Year of Patience
“Patience and fortitude conquer all things.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Domestic tension and division. Global unrest. A general sense of disquiet. Sky-rocketing gas prices. War (the word feels insane and terrible to even have to write). As most of our nation [...]